Enrich leads with properties

Adding properties to a lead is very straightforward. 

Simply add the property name and value you wish to add by using LeadBoxer's map javascript feature.

  1. Create a property container (map)
  2. add/define the properties 
  3. send/submit the data to be attached to the lead 

Basic Example:


// define an empty variable called 'map'
var map = new OTMap();    

//define a property + value to be send to tag the lead

//send (submit) the data to LeadBoxer
OTLogService.sendEvent("gender logged", map);



These are de functions you can use for adding properties using a map

var map = newOTMap();
define an empty variable called 'map'
map.put insert data into an object (map) as a property name/ value pair.
map.get read a previous value set 
map.clear used to clear all the data in a
map.remove use to remove specific property from a map

Once your map has been defined, you can send it to us with a simple javascript function:

OTLogService.sendEvent("your event title", map); :

This function will send (submit) the data to our log servers.


Add multiple properties to a lead

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://script.leadboxer.com/?dataset=YourDatasetId"></script> 

<script type="text/javascript">    
	var map = new OTMap();    
	map.put("firstName", "John");    
	map.put("lastName", "Doe");   
	OTLogService.sendEvent("my custom event", map); 

Add a tag for email campaign

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://script.leadboxer.com/?dataset=YourDatasetId"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
	var map = new OTMap();    
	map.put("utm_campaign", "event registration"); 
	map.put("utm_source", "Mailchimp"); 
	map.put("umm_medium", "email"); 
	OTLogService.sendEvent("my custom event", map);

Working example

A working example can be found here:  http://api.leadboxer.com/api/examples/log/index.html

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