Track Hubspot forms
If you would like to track your Hubspot forms, here is how you can do it:
- Embedded Hubspot Form
- LeadBoxer account & pixel
In this example we will only push the email value to LeadBoxer and associate this with the user-id from LeadBoxer
<script> hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "123", formId: "abc", onFormSubmit: function($form) { setTimeout(function(){ // we add a small delay var email = $form.find('input[name="email"]').val(); var userId = ot_uid(); // define userID // Construct API call to add lead tag to the visitor var url = "" + userId + "&email=" + email; // send the data to the LeadBoxer API fetch(url,{mode: 'no-cors'}); }, 500); // end of timeout function } }); </script>
Obviously you need to replace the various values with your own:
- form-field-name
- portalId
- formId
- my-dataset-id