log.leadboxer.com parameters

These parameters can be used to submit data to LeadBoxer. 

We advise to first test with a test account before moving towards production.

Parameter Required Function
si * your  dataset ID
* the title of the event, this shows up in the user's clickstream
eid event id, if not provided a new event ID will be created and returned
sid session id, if not provided a new session ID will be created that is identical to the the event ID
uid user id, overrides any user, if no user ID or email value is provided a new user ID will be created that is identical to the the event and session ID
proxy If the request sending the data contains the parameter 'proxy=true' defined then this signifies that this is not the original source of the data. This is useful if you are updating information from a proxy and do not want the enrichment to automatically populate geographic and user-agent based data. It also will not update the event/session counters.
browser the browser being used for this request (automatically detected from the user agent if not given)
browserVersion the browser version being used for this request (automatically detected from the user agent if not given)
eh effective screen height
ew effective screen width
ip override the request's ip number with this ip number. all geographic data will map to this ip number
lc url of this event (needs to be in full URL format, eg https://www.mysite.com/mypage)
locale the language/ locale used for this event
otor the original referrer of the user id; given as: eg: 1279273431384.http%3A//google.com
otpe the previous location (url), used to calculate viewed time for pages
otr the referrer of the sessions id; given as: eg: 1279273431384.http%3A//google.com
platform the platform making this request (Eg Windows/ OS X). If not given, then this is automatically detected from the user agent.
pix if set then this api request returns a single pixel, this is useful if you want the api to return an image
ref the current referrer
sc screen colours
sh screen height
sw screen width
tz the timezone given

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